Support us
CCP's vital work wouldn’t be possible with the generous support of individuals and organisations in our local community.
It costs over £100,000 a year to provide the services we offer, but we know from our clients and referrers that they are much needed. We don’t want anybody to be excluded on financial grounds and want to keep the cost to our beneficiaries as low as possible, if not free at the point of delivery.
If you would like to support our work, you can do so in the following ways.
Donate online
Donate securely online via our Paypal link:
Donate by post or phone
Donations can also be made by sending us a cheque or by debit card over the phone. Contact us to find out more about how to do this.
Other ways to support us
If you don't want to make a donation, there are lots of other ways to support us too!
Raise funds for us
Are you a daredevil always looking for a new adventure? Why not skydive down to earth or climb a mountain to raise funds for CCP? Or a cake sale is another less drastic suggestion!
Please call the office and we can support you in setting this up.
Leave a gift in your will
If you would like to leave a much appreciated gift to the CCP in your will, please contact us for information or speak to your solicitor/family.
Provide corporate support
Do you work for an employer that has a charity committee? If so, please consider nominating CCP. We are very happy to come and give your organisation or group a presentation about our what we do, and why it’s needed. We can offer a range of options for corporate volunteers. Get in touch with our CEO today to chat about corporate support options.
Promote volunteering opportunities
Could you display a poster for us on a community noticeboard, encouraging people to volunteer, or share our social media posts? Download our volunteering poster or contact the office for printed copies, and follow us on social media at www.facebook.com/CCPbh23/
Donate your time
We welcome volunteers across all areas of our work – just a few hours every fortnight could make a huge difference. Find out more about how to volunteer with us here.